What is the ESP8266

The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip, with a full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability, produced by Espressif Systems1 in Shanghai, China.

What version to get

Hint: Its the CP2102 one!

Don’t save 50 cent on a board with the CH340G chip, its the cheap copy one - Get CP2102 onces. 👍

The biggest difference is the USB interface.
The real one uses a CP2102 USB to UART bridge. The copy uses a CH340G chip.
The CH340G is notoriously unstable and liable to die at a moments notice.
The CP2102 is far more reliable.
I recently accidentally nuked a Wemos D1 Mini pro which has the same CP2102 on it with 12V.
It took out the voltage regulator. It took out the ESP8266 chip.
I replaced both those, and the CP2102 was proved to still be working fine.
More than could be said for a CH340G - glance at one of those wrong and they die.

Source: stackexchange2

Pinout of the ESP8266

ESP8266 pinout

Stuff to make

A list of project where the ESP8266 controller would make sense.

  1. ESP8266 Overview
    Espressif Systems. Retrieved 2017-10-02. ↩︎

  2. stackexchange URL
    Difference between these two nodemcu boards. ↩︎